About Us

Sunset over the Endeavour River

Cooktown is a town with a rich and interesting history and our church is no different. Our building was built in the early 1900’s and started out as a Methodist church. Since 1987 use of the building was transferred to a congregation of Queensland Baptists and has since been known as the Cooktown Baptist Church. We recognize and value the efforts of the missionaries and pioneers of previous generations but we look ahead to what God can achieve in the future through our efforts.

At Cooktown Baptist Church we value the Bible as the authoritative word of God and use it as the foundation of all teaching and ministry. We believe that the whole Bible is valuable for revealing God as our Creator, Saviour and King, for instructing us in ministry practice and guidance for our daily lives. Studying and understanding the Bible is a vital part of life for every Christian believer. We hold a home group Bible study most Wednesday evenings at 7pm. Please contact us for more details if you would like to join us.

We also recognise the value of prayer as the lifeblood of the church. We have numerous testimonies of God working in powerful ways through our prayers. We hold a prayer meeting every Thursday evening at the church from 4-7pm. If there is anything that you would like prayer for please let us know. We would love to pray for you.

During the winter months Cooktown is teeming with tourists from all parts of the globe. A significant part of our ministry here in Cooktown is welcoming travellers to our Sunday morning services. Visitors, travellers and Grey Haired Nomads are just as much part of the fabric of our church as the regular locals. You are always assured of a warm welcome on Sunday morning. Please join us for refreshments after the service and regale us with stories of your travels around the ‘Great South Land of The Holy Spirit’.

About the Pastor

Pastor Morgan Slykerman moved from New Zealand to Mount Isa, Queensland in 2004. During his time in Mount Isa Morgan held various leadership roles in Mount Isa Baptist Church, directed Scripture Union Water Ski Camps and worked as a School Chaplain for three years.

In 2017 Morgan moved to Cooktown with his wife Heidi and three children. Morgan and his family enjoy mountain biking, fishing and visiting the beautiful beaches and waterfalls in our region.

Cooktown Baptist Church Pastor Morgan Slykermann
Pastor Morgan Slykerman, wife Heidi and Children
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